Why Use Creative Interventions in Therapeutic Relationships?
Why Use Creative Interventions in Therapeutic Relationships?
Why Use Creative Interventions in Therapeutic Relationships?
“No matter how much you talk to someone, the words will not easily get translated into changes in the mid brain or brain stem”
(Perry & Plate 1994)
An awareness of the operation of the brain is therapeutically important. The right hemisphere is more focussed on the NON-VERBAL, ARTISTIC and METAPHORICAL.
The left brain, by contrast, is focused more upon linear processing.
The integration of both hemispheres is important for normal functioning, and appears to be negatively impacted by trauma.
. By using interventions that access the right hemisphere and re-working the bridging to left brain narrative in a safe and contained space can reach through psychological and neurobiological obstacles to develop a sense of control and mastery ….. Ultimately helping clients to develop their own narrative and begin a new story….. without using words.
. Creativity is not a ‘thing’, it is a process of integrating thoughts, feelings and behaviours in a meaningful way -
- without the filters which come from learned narrative and development.

Understanding and Implementing Creative Interventions within Supervision
A popular training, either 1 or 2 days for Supervisors, Qualified and Trainee Counsellors and Psychotherapists and Allied Professionals
including all materials and light refreshments and 6 hour CPD Certificate
For further information please use the contact page
NB* ONLINE TRAINING & CPD version available - please enquire using contact page
Using Creative Interventions
with Couples in Conflict
Using Creative Interventions
with Couples in Conflict
including all materials and light refreshments and 6 hour CPD Certificate
For further information please use the contact page

Short Creative, Visual & Active CPD Workshops & Training Programmes
Short Creative, Visual & Active CPD Workshops & Training Programmes
I am frequently asked to design and deliver bespoke trainings, involving the effective use of creativity for individual professional practitioners, organisations and services
All training programmes aim to experientially demonstrate theory into practice and involve safe levels of participation – they are not seminar based.
Well equipped break out rooms are available for pair and small group exercises and skills-based practice.
To encourage a safe and immersive environment for learning, groups will have a maximum of 6 participants.
A minimum of 3 participants is necessary for effective learning – and can be logged as additional creative supervision in action.
All materials will be provided, along with comprehensive handouts and a 6 or 12-hour CPD certificate.
Each training runs from 10.00am – 5.00pm, light refreshments are provided with participants making use of the many food outlets close by for lunch.
If you would like to access a bespoke experiential training for either yourself, or your service/organisation
please use the contact page to discuss, and for fee information.
ONLINE BESPOKE TRAININGS & WORKSHOP AVAILABLE - please enquire using contact page
Scroll down to see Trainings and Workshops requested and delivered to individual practitioners, services and organisations

Listed below are short trainings and workshops that have been previously delivered independently, or as requested by organisations and services.

Trauma and Addiction
Trauma and Addiction
Attachment, Trauma and Use of Substance & to Self Regulate - 3 day
The Neuroscience of Addiction - 1 day
Working Creatively with Addiction - 1 day
Working Creatively with Trauma - 2 day
Understanding Vicarious Trauma and Impact on Practitioners - 1 day
Self Care and Resilience in Trauma and Addiction Professionals-1day

Creative and Experiential Workshops
Creative and Experiential Workshops
Working Experientially and Somatically with Couples - 2 day
Working Creatively with Couples & Families - 2 day
Working Creatively with Groups - I day
Inspiring and Creative Active Supervision- 2 day
Raising Interpersonal and Intrapsychic Awareness - 1 day
Using Guided Imagery and The Arts Therapeutically - 1 day
Transference and Projection - 1 day

Attachment, Couples and Families
Attachment, Couples and Families
Introduction to Counselling Couples - 2 days
Couples Counselling - 3 x weekends
Creative Interventions in Couple Counselling - 2 day
Using Creativity and The Arts in Couple Counselling - 2 day
Duo Certificate - Working with Couples and Families (60hrs)
Duo Diploma - Working with Couples and Families (120 + hrs)
Working with Couples from an Attachment Perspective - 2 days
Attachment Styles and Trauma - 1 day
Attachment Styles and Addiction - 1 day
Interpersonal and Relational Development - 2 days
Working with Couples Affected by Cancer - 3 days
Working with Couples Affected by Pregnancy Loss - 2days

Working with Substance Dependency in 6, 8 and 12 week Contracts
Trauma Informed Time Defined Counselling Contracts -2days
Time Limited Bereavement Counselling - 1 day
Managing the Beginning, Middle and End - 3 days
Contracting & Boundaries in Professional Therapeutic Relationships - 1 day
Working within Organisational Contexts and Contracts - 1 day
Supervising Counsellors Working Within Time Limited Contracts - 2 days

Organisations and Services that have asked me to design and deliver training programmes and workshops include:
CRI/ Equinox (Brighton & Hove), Federation for Disabled, B&H City Council Safe and Sorted Project, Hampshire Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists, Avon and Wilts Relate, Mankind UK, 360B Counselling Service, Rise, Psychotherapy in the Home Counties,
The Olive Tree, The Horizon Centre, Sussex Counselling and Psychotherapy, Alternatives Counselling Service.